textAlign(align, [yAlign])

Sets the current horizontal and vertical text alignment.

Type: function


  • align {String}:

    The horizontal text alignment to set. Must be one of the InDesign Justification enum values:

    • Justification.AWAY_FROM_BINDING_SIDE
    • Justification.CENTER_ALIGN
    • Justification.CENTER_JUSTIFIED
    • Justification.FULLY_JUSTIFIED
    • Justification.LEFT_ALIGN
    • Justification.RIGHT_ALIGN
    • Justification.RIGHT_JUSTIFIED
    • Justification.TO_BINDING_SIDE
  • yAlign {String} Optional:

    The vertical text alignment to set. Must be one of the InDesign VerticalJustification enum values:

    • VerticalJustification.BOTTOM_ALIGN
    • VerticalJustification.CENTER_ALIGN
    • VerticalJustification.JUSTIFY_ALIGN
    • VerticalJustification.TOP_ALIGN